Technical Articles, Papers, and Presentations

1. Testing Elastomers, Soft Biological Tissues and Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs) for Hyperelastic Material Models in Finite Element Analysis.

2. Measuring the Viscoelastic Dynamic Properties of Elastomers and Polymers for Product Development and Failure Analysis

3. Mechanical Characterization Testing of Thermoplastics and Composite Materials

4. High Strain Rate Testing of Polymers, Thermoplastics, and Thermoset Materials

5. Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic Characterization of Polymers and Rubber Materials

6. Hyperelastic Material Models In Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Of Polymer And Rubber Components

7. Failure Analysis of Polymer and Rubber Materials

8. Stress Relaxation and Creep of Polymers and Composite Materials

9. Service Life Prediction Of Polymer Rubber Components Using Accelerated Aging And Arrhenius Equation

10. Instruments for Dynamic Testing of Viscoelastic Polymer Materials

11. Verifications and Validations in Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

12. Static and Dynamic Testing of Materials and Components

13. Mechanical Testing of 3D Printed Parts and Materials, Strength Characterization and Performance Prediction

14. Design Development And Rapid Prototying Of Rubber & Elastomer Components Using FEA

15. Mechanical Testing Of Composite Materials: Test Methods & Challenges