AdvanSES offers Fatigue Testing of Materials and Products using a variety of stress and strain controlled testing machines for characterizing field service behaviors of engineering products, medical devices, and automotive aerospace components.
Fatigue testing involves the application of cyclic loading to a test specimen or a product. Unlike monotonic tests in which loading increases until failure, the applied load is cycled between prescribed maximum and minimum levels until a fatigue failure occurs, or until the predetermined number of loading cycles have been applied.
The loading is applied to assess long term fatigue behavior, vibration isolation properties, and observe failure causing mechanisms.

AdvanSES offers Fatigue Testing of Materials and Products for;
1) Material Samples
2) Full Scale Component Level Testing
3) Measure Material and Product Degradation
4) Elevated Temperature Testing
5) Incorporation of Aging Mechanisms in Testing
Benefits of Fatigue Testing at AdvanSES
With material and product testing at AdvanSES, you can be sure of:
- ISO 17025:2017 Accredited Facility
- Knowledgable Testing and Engineering Personnel
- Commitment to Understanding your Materials and Products
- Identify root cause if Required
- Short Timelines
- Detailed Testing Reports that Help You Make Accurate Decisions
AdvanSES Fatigue Testing Procedure
The AdvanSES approach to fatigue testing of materials and products is as follows;
- The machine, environment chamber, extensometer, loadcell etc., are all calibrated and verified.
- The test samples or products to be tested are prepared.
- The test parameters are set, environment chamber is placed and the test environment is brought upto the required parameters.
- The machine is started and runs the set cyclic load, stress, strain ranges according to the parameters predetermined for the test samples.
- The test is run for the set number of cycles and periodically checked, photographed for signs of degradation, fatigue or until failure.
- Results and further engineering steps are discussed.
- All relevant test data with information is reported.