Design Analysis of Engine Mounts and Suspension Components

Abstract: A tier 1 OEM supplier was seeking to enhance the durability of the engine mount. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) on its metal-elastomer bonded engine mount designs has been carried out to study the performance of the mounts under service loads. The present work involved studying material properties of the compound and analysis on the part to verify the stiffness and performance characteristics of the mount. The mount design has also been analyzed under six different directional forces.


1) Characterize material properties to adequately represent the rubber material.

2) Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden, Yeoh material models were evaluated to suitably represent the material compound.

3) Multi-step analysis was carried out by first simulating the pre-compression and then simulating the torsion, tension and shear.

4) Large strain deformation analysis along with multi-step analysis procedure had to be carried out.

Results and Discussion:

Results from the co-relation of experimental tests and FEA show the effectiveness of FEA as a tool in the development of suspension components. Analysis results for the directional and moment loads have shown the geometric locations of the excessive deformation taking place in the engine mount. The locations of maximum stress and strain concentration are around the bonding areas of the metal-rubber interface. Results show that for a higher fatigue life of the mount at high loads the deformation in the bonding region needs to be minimized