Are you looking for a plastic material testing laboratory near me, then look no further. We are a NABL ISO-17025 approved Plastics and Rubber Testing Laboratory based in Ahmedabad, India We provide the following testing services;
- Identification of Plastic Material
- PE, PP, LDPE, HDPE, Polyacetal, PET, PBT, Nylon 6, PVC, PS, PLA PMA,
- Specific Gravity
- Tensile Strength, Elongation, Stress Vs. Strain
- Poisson’s Ratio
- Elongation at Break
- Melt Flow Index
- Flexural Strength
- Izod Impact
- Vicat Softening Temperature
- Heat Deflection Temperature
- Flammability as per UL94, IS 13360
- Charpy Impact
- Low Velocity Impact
- Puncture Resistance
- Ash Content Test
AdvanSES’ Plastic Testing Laboratory provides physical and mechanical testing of thermoplastics, polymers and composite materials to ensure these polymer materials meet quality control and application performance requirements
Physical and mechanical testing of polymers ensures that material complies with industry specifications and application requirements of aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, and biomedical industries. As a one-stop plastic testing laboratory for design development, quality control, performance assessment and failure analysis our vast physical and mechanical testing capabilities aincludes ASTM, ISO, IS, BS or DIN standards. Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited plastic testing laboratory services support design and development projects, Finite Element Analysis FEA, quality control, and problem-solving for all kinds of polymer materials and products.
Ash Content Test:
This test is used in determining the amount of fillers in a specimen after the polymer has been burned off and is suitable for the determination of the ash content in rubber compounds. The test methods may be used for quality control.
Test Method: ASTM D2584, D5630, ISO 3451
Compression Stress Relaxation Under Constant Deflection:
This test is carried out under constant deflection in compression and helps in determining the ability of the material to maintain backforce under compressive stress. This test is used to determine the quality of material and their performance under constant compression application conditions.
Test Method: ASTM D6147 B, ISO 3384
Compression Properties Test:
This test helps in determining the behaviour of a material when it is subjected to a progressively increasing compressive load. The compressive strength of a material is the force per unit area that it can handle under compression deformation mode. AdvanSES has 3 load frames in its rubber testing laboratory to carry out these tests.
Test Method: ASTM D695, ISO 604
Charpy Impact Test:
This test helps in determining a thermoplastic or composite material’s resistance to resist impact. This test provides comparative values for various plastics easily and quickly. Test Method: ISO 179
Density And Specific Gravity Test:
Our rubber testing laboratory carries out density and specific gravity tests on rubbers, TPEs, thermoplastics etc. This test helps in determining the mass per unit volume of material and the ratio of the mass of a given volume of material.
Test Method: ASTM D792, ISO 1183
Flexural Properties Test:
This test helps in determining the force required to bend a beam under 3 or 4 points load conditions. The flexural strength of a material is defined as its ability to resist deformation under such 3 point or 4 point loads.
Test Method: ASTM D790, ISO 178

FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry) Test:
This test helps in identification of polymers, thermoplastics, rubber materials. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) is an analytical tool for screening and identifying polymer samples.
Test Method: ASTM E1252
Izod Impact Test:
This test method similar to Charpy’s test method helps in determining a material’s resistance to an impact. The impactor is a swining pendulum. The result of the Izod test is reported in energy absobed per unit of specimen thickness.
Test Method: ASTM D256, ISO 180
Tensile Test Of ThermoPlastics:
This test helps in measuring the force required to break a specimen and the extent to which the specimen stretches or elongates to that breaking point. The ability of a material to resist breaking under tensile stress is one of the most important and widely used properties of materials used in structural applications.
Test Method: ASTM D638, ISO 527

Axial Fatigue Test Of ThermoPlastics and Composites:
This test helps in understanding the fatigue life of the material or part and assists in generating an S-N curve for the material. The ability of a material to resist breaking under constant cyclic tensile stress is one of the most important and widely used properties of materials used in structural applications. The data from these tests is used in understanding the endurance strength and crack initiation limits of the material. AdvanSES’ plastic testing laboratory can carry out these fatigue tests under stress or strain control and also at room and elevated temperatures.
Test Method: ASTM D7791, ISO 13003
Heat Deflection Temperature HDT and Vicat Softening Temperature Test:
The heat deflection temperature of a reinforced or unreinforced polymer material is a measure of polymer’s resistance to distortion under an applied load at elevated temperatures.
Vicat softening temperature tests are used to identify the temperature at which a needle of specified dimensions penetrates into a plastic material specimen for a specified distance under applied loading conditions.
Compared with the Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) Vicat softening temperature test measures the temperature at which the specimen loses its stiffness and softens. HDT test measures the temperature at which the specimen loses its load bearing capability. The Vicat point is closer to the actual melting or softening point of the polymer.
Test Methods: ASTM D648 and ISO 75; ASTM D1525 and ISO 306